
Our Latest News

Expert team committed to helping all with hope.

Protect eyes from dust and disease

Wear protective eyewear, such as safety glasses or goggles, when working in dusty or hazardous environments.

Home nursing services offered

Home nursing services refer to medical care provided by a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse in the patient’s home.

Managing hypertension

Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help lower blood pressure.

New Alzheimer’s treatment found

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disorder that affects memory, thinking, and behavior.

FDA approves gene therapy

Gene therapy is a modern medical treatment that involves altering genes within a patient’s cells to treat.

COVID-19 vaccination rates rising

As more people receive the vaccine, vaccination rates have been rising steadily in many countries.

New cancer screening guidelines

Cancer screening guidelines are updated periodically to reflect new evidence and advances in medical technology.

Gut health linked to mental health

The gut microbiome affects digestion, immunity, and mood via the production of neurotransmitters.

Robotic heart transplant success

The robotic device assisted the surgeons in the transplantation process, making it less invasive and increasing precision.

Book an Appointment

If you don’t have a regular dentist, you can find one by asking for recommendations from family, friends, or your primary care doctor.